Connect Ministries

The Connect Ministries work to connect people to Jesus Christ by establishing a relationship between the church, individuals and the community.

Senior Adult:

First Thursday Luncheon: The 1st Thursday of each month, from Noon- 1pm, where one can bring a covered dish and join the group for wonderful fellowship and interesting programs.

Family Ministries:

The Family Ministries provide connectional opportunities when the church family gathers to share in fellowship & fun throughout the year. Dates and times vary, but will be published in the Newsletter and on the Church Calendar.

Carter BloodCare Blood Drive

Sunday, March 1, 2020
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
In church parking lot on Carter BloodCare Bus

Register online here

Emergency Pastoral Care


Ways to Give

Are you interested in learning how you can give?

There are many Ways to Give!

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